Once upon a time....
There was a bright young aspiring girl, fresh 18 years old. She was only a couple of weeks away from graduating high school, doing her walk across the stage to get her diploma, the whole nine. It was good decisions that got her there in the first place. In that few weeks before her big day at her grad, the girl ended up having unprotected sex with one of her class mates. Low and behold, right before she graduates she finds out she is pregnant. Several months later, she finds out that she isn't just having a baby boy, its baby boy twins, identical. Fast forward the clock a few more months, two new baby boys are brought into the world. At this time the girl is now 19 years old, working as a waitress, and barely able to make ends meet for herself alone. As for the dad of the kids, nowhere to be found. She is high and dry, on her own. Even though it kills her, her only option is to put her two boys up for adoption.
Fast forward 35 years; (------>) The girl from high school isn't much of a girl anymore. She is now 54 years old, has landed herself a successful job, is renting a decently sized house and is in a steady relationship. However there isn't a day that goes by that she can't not think of her two sons, and how guilty she feels for leaving them for adoption instead of being able to take care of them herself. She decides to go out and find both of them, and make peace with them both.
After doing some research, and making a few phone calls, she is able to track down one who moved into a bigger city, and is working as one of the top heart surgeons in the country. She decides to pay him a visit, so she flys to his city and finds the hospital where he works. When she tracks him down, she explains the situation to him and says "I can't beleive how successful you have turned out! I am so proud of you!" and He responds to her by saying "Well, after what happened and all these years, where did you expect I would be?" She asks him about her other son, and he tells her that he hasn't seen or spoken with him in near 15 years. She decides to embark out to find her other son, and make right by him as well.
On her walk back to her hotel room, the woman comes across a man sitting on a street corner begging for change. When she looks back into his sunken eyes and hollow cheeks, she recognizes his face from the hospital that she was just in, and immediately knows she has found her other son. She tells the man who she is, and how glad she is to have found him after so many years. The man scoffs at the whole idea, and looks disgusted with his mother. She says to him "Please come with me, I will get you food, and a shower, you can come and stay with me you shouldn't be here like this," and her son looks and reply's "Well after what happened and all these years, where did you expect I would be?"
I have to re-write my Carpentry final practical in a couple of weeks, and while the point of this story is drive for me, let it be drive for everyone else. I once heard, good enough, isn't. I've been knocked down before, time to get the fuck up.
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