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Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy 2011

This is turning out to be more of a Monday session. I was watching baseball yesterday. So, Osama Bin Laden dead.. how bout that. Did anyone else happen to see the front page as well page one of the Calgary Sun this morning? It actually said "ROT IN HELL" front page news, and I quote from page one "THE BASTARD IS DEAD." Real appropriate. I think I could probably give a crayon to my seven year old niece and get her to write a more sophisticated headline, and she is just learning how to read and write. What a filthy joke, you should be incredibly ashamed of yourself The Calgary Sun at being such a fucking embarrassment in representing our populations general interest. All I can hope for now is that a horrifying war on Pakistan doesn't break out now, and that ignorant white North Americans don't lump them in with the fact that Bin Laden was housed in their country. But that's a story for another day.

Personal congratulations to Jack Layton and the NDP. I didn't vote, I cannot prove my address at the moment, and I probably would have if I had the means. Even though that the Conservatives won a majority, the NDP made history with their landslide of seats, and hopefully one day will win a minority over Stephen Harper and make him sweat. I was also very happy to see both the Liberals and Bloc parties absolutely decimated. If only riding's in Western Canada meant something to the election, rather than padding out the pockets of Conservative fat cats. Oh, and don't forget, for those of you whom voted DIRECTLY for Stephen Harper as he may have well been the leader for your riding depending on your geography, you not only voted in Conservative, but you also voted DIRECTLY for HIM, and HIS bullshit. But abortion sucks anyways right? Wooooo lower taxes!!!!! And more jobs!!!! Seeing is believing though. 

May 2nd though, second day in a row its been nice and sunny, quite a tolerable temperature. As far as I'm concerned, this is my new year. 2011 hasn't really come up Craig so far. In fact, its been an awful start to a year. The winter was cold and miserable, and long. I was diagnosed diabetic, I hated working at SAIT. Pure Math sucks, I wasted $1000 bucks on school I will never use, and my 4th year didn't turn out in my favor. Yep.. so far its sucked, but as a result I am considering it to only be a 7 month year for me. My 2011 started at the turn of the month, so lets make the rest of it a good one. I realize the blog may be spread a bit thin and be a bit weak this week, but I'm Craig Swanberg, more stories AND ANDY ROONEY next week on 60 minutes.. I mean.. Sunday Session. VOTE SATAN!

PS. Suck My Caucus Stephen Harper.


  1. Seeing is believing yet you're pumped for Jack Layton? That man is a walking example of bullshit.

  2. Perhaps you would be better at trolling for cock? last time I checked the Liberals, Conservatives, and the used to be Bloc have been too busy throwing sand around, while the NDP have never even been given CLOSE to a chance until now. Yeah yeah.. its the voters who put them there, but for once maybe their voice will actually be hard.

    (_)(_)===D ---- <------thats my dink.

    Troll away.
